Typeface-color synesthesia

Yevgen Sadko
May 13, 2021


Synesthesia is common among creative people. I want to explore the associative connections between typefaces and colors.

If looking at fonts you have color associations, download the template, fill the circles near the fonts and post a screenshot in the comments or send me in private messages.

Have you guessed all these 12 famous typefaces? But it’s not “What the font” game. Your colors are the main objective.

The first colors from different designers

This gif shows the first completed forms, and does it so that you don’t get stuck on someone else’s results. Colors are mixed with grid and inversion.

If you are interested in font-color synesthesia, please share this post!



Yevgen Sadko

I have a dream that one day, font designers will be able to join hands with font users as sisters and brothers.